HORRIBLE! Dont even bother downloading... Constantly freezes and crashes. Just bad.
HORRIBLE! Dont even bother downloading... Constantly freezes and crashes. Just bad.
Ads are intrusive. Crashes constantly.
It always crashes and never works
This application is horrible! If you make a mistake it takes away most of your time and thats no fun at all. Either fix it or remove it completely from the store. A lot of people hate it. Also the ads are annoying too.
I like this game I just wish there were more different pictures. Sometimes I get the same pic two or three times in a row and there appears to be a slight bug when I press the "wrong" item again and again, it will deduct from my time but it wont circle it, I have to push the same item on the other picture.
I cant even play the doggone game without ads popping up back to back...meanwhile my timer is still running! Ease up on the advertising or make a banner instead of interrupting the whole game!
Used to love this game when the pro version was available without the ads. When you get rid of the ads I will play again